
Fly problems are a common occurrence in BC. They can transmit a wide variety of diseases and cause health problems. Once a fly issue arises, it can quickly grow and cause an infestation as they are known to breed rapidly. The most common reason for flies in the home is due to waste such as rotten meat, unsanitary conditions and garbage.

Although there are many species of flies, majority of the time we receive calls regarding House Flies, Fruit Flies and Drain Flies.

House Fly

Size: 4mm - 7.5mm.

Color: Light grey.

Unique Characteristics: The female House Fly is usually larger than the male and has eyes that are far apart whereas for the male the eyes are closer. House Flies have reddish eyes and a thorax with 4 black stripes. They lay eggs that look like small grains of rice. A female House Fly can lay up to 100 eggs in each batch. The eggs hatch into maggots before maturing and turning into flies.

Control: Sanitation along with non-chemical methods such as fly lights, fly catcher ribbons and fly catcher bags. If necessary, the application of pesticides as well.

Drain Fly

Ever wonder what the difference between drain flies and fruit flies is?

Check out this Insider article by Terri Williams!

Size: 2 - 5mm long.

Color: Light tan or gray - black.

Unique Characteristics: If you are finding fruit fly in your kitchen, especially around your sink or fridge, they may not be fruit flies at all. A second type of small fly that is frequently encountered in the kitchen area is the Drain fly. Drain flies congregate around kitchen drains, laying their eggs in the organic matter that collects in the bottom of the garbage disposal or pipes. A drain fly differs in appearance from a fruit fly in that a drain fly is fuzzy with a smaller body and larger wings than a fruit fly. They are frequently mistaken for small moths since the wings appear to be roof-like over the body when at rest. They are weak fliers and often jump or hop.

You may see drain flies on walls and flat surfaces during the day. At night they feed and fly in and around drains. A drain fly lives for about two weeks. You may be able to kill a good number of the flies during the day, but the drain fly larvae can live in the drain and reproduce endlessly.

Control: In order to get rid of them, you must get rid of sources that they use to breed. Drain fly infestations are eliminated only by removing the larval food source(s). The larvae usually breed in the sink and bathroom drain traps. Thorough cleaning of drain traps with drain cleaners and long-handled brushes will remove hair and trapped debris. Bleach does not work to kill the larvae so please don’t try to pour bleach down the drain! On our end, we would be using a combination of drain cleaner along with any necessary pesticide application.

Fruit Fly

Size: 3mm in length and 2mm wide.

Color: Yellow - brown.

Unique Characteristics: Fruit flies or vinegar flies occasionally become a pest in homes, restaurants, fruit markets or similar places containing food sources. In the home they are found near decaying potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and flower bulbs. fruit flies also like bread and baked goods containing yeast, beer, pop, fruit juices, and vinegar. They will also breed in dishwater from sinks or drain water from refrigerators. Fruit flies are also found in water from floor scrubbing that contain food particles which will ferment under favorable conditions. They commonly have reddish eyes and are small.

Control: Discarding infested items is generally the best way to eliminate fruit flies. Fermenting food products are the most obvious breeding areas. Carefully search for an accumulation of rotting fruits or vegetables or other breeding areas and destroy them. Please Keep opened jars of fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator. On our end, we will either use a Fruit Fly catcher and/or pesticide in the form of fog to eliminate them.