
Starling in Summer

Size: 190 - 230mm.

Color: Greenish-purple in the Summer, brown with white spots in the Winter.

Unique Characteristics: Native to Europe, Africa and Asia, Starlings are now also found in North America. They eat fruits, seeds and insects. Starlings can contaminate food and water with their feces which can pose a serious health risk for both humans and livestock. Starlings are also naturally very loud birds which can be very bothersome. They like nesting on both trees and in homes in areas that make nice nesting spots such as soffits, wall cavities, roof vents or any other areas that they can get into. They are active from April to August.

Control: We use humane control methods to control starlings. We do this by removing any nesting material in the area of concern and then block that area with screening or other exclusion materials. This is so that Starlings cannot return and will look for another nesting spot. Our methods are time tested and results are covered with warranty.