Sow Bugs

Size: 15mm long and 8mm wide.

Color: Dark gray.

Unique Characteristics: Sow bugs are land crustaceans which look very similar to pill bugs, at least at first glance. Sow bugs are small crustaceans with oval bodies when viewed from above. Their back consists of a number of overlapping, articulating plates. They have 7 pairs of legs, and antennae, which reach about half the body length.

The pill bug on the other hand has a rounder back, from side to side, and a deeper body, from its back to its legs. When disturbed, it frequently rolls into a tight ball, with its legs tucked inside, much like its larger but dissimilar counterpart the armadillo.

Sow bugs have gills, which need constant moisture, so they tend to live in moister northwest climates. They are primarily nocturnal and eat decaying leaf litter and vegetable matter. They may also feed on the tips of young plants so they can be considered pests, but they also help the environment by breaking up decaying plant matter and help speed up the recycling of the nutrients they contain.

Control: Pesticide application along the exterior perimeter of the property and/or the baseboard within the interior.

Find our Sow Bug control Preparation Guide here.

Reliable Sow Bug Extermination

In order to assist you with your Sow Bug infestation, we will make the use of liquid pesticide and apply it along the baseboard/foundation of the property. We give written warranties in order to assure the high quality of our work.

Find our Sow Bug control Preparation Guide here for interior infestations.

Interior pesticide application by technician Hannan Khan
Omair applying pesticide along the baseboard of a washroom.