Cockroaches prefer moist, damp places and are mostly found in kitchens, laundry rooms, bathrooms, warehouses and sewers. Many species frequent filthy and unsanitary areas and are liable to carry disease organisms on their bodies.
The female cockroach lays about 5 to 40 eggs in a capsule, which she drops in a secluded place shortly before the eggs hatch. These young reach reproducing age in as short as 3 months and a female usually produces several capsules with eggs during her lifetime. Cockroaches can thus develop rapidly if the conditions are right (high temperature, humidity and enough food). They will eat meat, starches, cereals, milk products, fruit, clothing, paper, and live and dead insects, even each other.
Cockroaches can spread from one place to another in cardboard boxes, baskets, luggage, furniture, appliances, etc. They can crawl from one place to another along sewer lines, conduits, water lines and other service conditions. Domestic cockroaches primarily have nocturnal habits; so many people generally are unaware of the extent to which they contaminate food. Their habit of regurgitating partially digested food and often dropping feces while feeding are potentially dangerous features to spreading disease. Cockroaches have been found to carry bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa that are hazardous to human health.
The most common species in BC is the German Cockroach and the American Cockroach.
Please click here for our Cockroach control preparation guide!
German Cockroach
Size: 10 - 15mm.
Color: light brown to tan.
Unique characteristics: Broad and flattened in shape, they have 6 well-developed legs and 2 very long, slender antennae or feelers. The adult has wings but the young are always wingless.
American Cockroach
Size: 35 - 41mm.
Color: reddish-brown.
Unique characteristics: Also known as the “waterbug” This type of cockroach is found all over the world with 6 legs and 2 antennae. American Cockroaches also have the ability to bite, but it is quite a rare occurrence when they do. They are flat and oval in shape and are very fast runners.
Effective & Reliable Cockroach Extermination
At Ideal Pest Control we use effective measures to control and ultimately exterminate your cockroach issue. Our procedure involves the combinational use of poisonous gel bait, liquid pesticides and insecticide gases in areas with moisture such as the kitchen and bathroom. Based on your needs and the severity of your problem, we may limit our treatment to the use of only one control measure to solve your cockroach issue. Every case is analyzed on an individual basis and a control plan is drafted accordingly.
Find our cockroach pre-treatment preparation guide here.
Cockroach extermination treatment in kitchen.
German Cockroach crawling on kitchen counter.